Hello folks, introducing Soon to join competition: engine SFT 230127-f0a0b-d3860-master (Rebalance usage of history heuristics in pruning).

This is a copy of a test version of stockfish, as tested on stockfish servers,on jan 27, 2023. It is a nice improvement upon master “d3860-master (Rebalance usage of history heuristics in pruning).

The executables come in multiple architecture (arch) versions: modern, popcnt, bmi, bmi2, vnni, avx, avxnni, avx2, avx256, avs512, arm7, arm7-neon, arm8, arm64_apple-silicon, riscv64. And some include an optimized version for the intel i3 (Profile Guide Optimized, PGO).

pgo versionS, also included, are optimized for an intel i3 processor. It should be playable in just about every popular processor platform compatible with intel processors, as long as it is a 64 bit system.

Compiled by g++ (GNUC) 12.2.0 on MinGW64

Compilation settings include: 64bit SSE41 SSSE3 SSE2 POPCNT

__VERSION__ macro expands to: 12.2.0

BENCH MESSAGE: (running the engine in command prompt with the ´bench´command.)

SFT 230127-f0a0b-d3860 reduction_killer_3b, Only for main killers, but with reduced history condition, Bench: 4069938, XInTheDark committed Jan 27, 2023. 1 parent 5fa8830 commit f0a0b7c1. Elo gain: 2.22 [0.61,3.80] (95%). By the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file)

SPEED TEST (on Intel i3, 2.20 GHZ)

Total time (ms) : 17425

Nodes searched : 4069938

Nodes/second : 233568


ELO POINTS GAIN OVER ITS MASTER: 2.22 [0.61,3.80] (95%)

MASTER: d3860-master (Rebalance usage of history heuristics in pruning).

Https: https://www.file-upload.com/zvvufhkew3c9 (password protected. Need subscription to tournament) Send me a pm and I will give you the details, if you want to buy it one at a time. If you subscribe, I will also provide you with additional games from other computers.)




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